Welcome to your Sacred Energetic Cocoon.

Book your private session here. When it is time for your session, please offer yourself the gift of a private, cozy, space free from distraction to fully connect with me. For best results, avoid caffeine and stimulants if able, to allow your mind and body an opportunity to deeply immerse in session.
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Intuition Builders MASTERCLASS

In Masterclass & Mentorship, I assist you in realizing and exploring Your intuition to expand your mind and open your heart to limitless possibilities of knowing, healing, being. As you allow me to guide you on your personal journey of tapping into your Intuitive Higher Self, you will naturally flow into living your best life from a higher perspective where you will easily become the Master of your Life. Energetic Alchemy cannot be traced, for this reason, All services & Sessions with Myself and my affiliates are acknowledged by purchaser and Client as for Entertainment Purposes Only.
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Heart Chakra Clearing 

The Heart Chakra is a Powerful Energy Center located in the center of your chest. Your Heart Chakra is your Telephone/ Communication Center to the Universe. Think of your Heart Chakra as your personal radio station that is continuously broadcasting your inner thoughts, feelings, secret beliefs, judgements, desires, fears, and intentions out into the universe. Your Heart Chakra also receives and reads others energy frequencies in the same manner and articulates back to you what it is receiving. This energy center is your pesonal receiver to all knowing information, internal and external thoughts, intentions, & communications with internal and external life. We manifest our experiences through the use of our Heart Chakra. When the Heart Chakra is unbalanced it becomes congested energetically just like a highway gets backed up following a car accident - the information it is processing piles up, resulting in miscommunication, confusion, & disease. In this Immersion, I will lead you on a focused journey of self-healing, clearing, balance & restoration of your Sacred Heart Chakra. You will emerge Aligned & Centered. Please block out up to 3 hours for this session. In preparation for this session, please create a private space away from others and outside distractions. You may want to use a pair of earbuds to cancel outside noise and deeply connect with my voice. Please ensure your phone/computer is fully charged for uninterrupted connection. Please turn off any notifications while in session to get the most enhanced experience during our time together. Included with this service is a Sacred 21 Day Energetic Restoration Program. Energetic Alchemy cannot be traced, for this reason, all services & sessions with myself and my affiliates are acknowledged by purchaser and client as for entertainment purposes only.
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Soul Tie Clearing ALCHEMY

If you find yourself trapped by repetitive negative memories tied to past lovers, friends, family members, coworkers, pets, or events...a Soul Tie Clearing is a must in removing the residual effects and traumas of past relationships. The experience will leave you feeling empowered & released from emotional baggage & energetic impressions of past relationships and experiences. In preparation for your session, please turn off any alarms and reminders on your devices and remove yourself from work and personal distractions to ensure you can connect to my voice without interruption. This service is popular amongst our Divine Feminines in preparation of clearing your hearts & energetic bodies to manifest highly reciprocal new journeys and relationships. Included with this service is a Sacred 21 Day Energetic Restoration Program. Group rates and services available upon. Energetic Alchemy cannot be traced, for this reason, all services & sessions with myself and my affiliates are acknowledged by purchaser and client as for entertainment purposes only.

Intuitive Psychic Mediumship Reading

If you’ve ever watched me offer myself as a medium in live intuitive readings, you already know why this service is so popular! In this private session, I connect with your unique energy signature and reveal who and what shows up. You may ask as many questions as you’d like. I will guide you with the answers I receive. Please have photos of your loved ones (children, grandchildren, etc.) available for me to read. I connect to the unique characteristics and personalities they were born with, advising on areas where they will need help balancing now and in the future to assist in building a firm foundation of support and avoiding potential destructive beliefs and decisions. Ascended loved ones often join us with personal messages for you. Sessions last as long as they need to. Please allow yourself a couple hours. Included with this service is a Sacred 21 Day Energetic Restoration Program. Group rates and services available upon request. Energetic Alchemy cannot be traced, for this reason, all services & sessions with myself and my affiliates are acknowledged by purchaser and client as for entertainment purposes only.

Trauma Release Alchemy

Release your Trauma & Triggers for good. I create an Individualized Immersion based on your experiences revealed in the beginning of our Energetic session. Your session will be led by Intuitive Guidance. Gift yourself freedom from emotional stress. Dissolved fear, clarity, regained freedom & internal Joy are echoes of my clients after just 1 session! Please ensure you have a private cozy safe space free from distraction to deeply connect to my voice. I suggest you avoid uppers and caffeinated beverages prior to our appointment to enhance the ease of mind. Included with this service is a Sacred 21 Day Energetic Restoration Program. Group rates and services available upon request. Energetic Alchemy cannot be traced, for this reason, all services & sessions with myself and my affiliates are acknowledged by purchaser and client as for entertainment purposes only.

Manifesting Abundance Guided Alchemy

Remove your Abundance Blocks for GOOD! Are you hitting a wall in manifesting & obtaining your Financial, Professional,  & Personal Goals? Not good at creating effective boundaries with others? Do you find yourself living in lack? This service is for you & most popular amongst Corporate Leaders, whom use me as a superhighway to exceed company, personal, & family goals. Led individually and in groups, this focused Immersion is sought after due to the RESULTS it offers to reprogram the Subconscious mind collectively & individually. Ready to achieve Goal Structured Transformations for yourself ? Included with this service is a Sacred 21 Day Energetic Restoration Program. Group rates and services available upon request. Energetic Alchemy cannot be traced, for this reason, all services & sessions with myself and my affiliates are acknowledged by purchaser and client as for entertainment purposes only.

Physical Space Clearing

Heaviness in the building or home you work or live in? Ever get those creepy feelings that someone is watching you, yet no one is there? Unexplained movements, scents, voices, feelings of tension and anxiety building in the environment?  Chances are you are dealing with Ascended Souls or lingering Emotions from other humans of unaddressed depression, anger, & judgements (gossip), which are all creators of paranormal activity due to the specific vibrational frequency they emit. Our ascended loved ones will come into our space to connect with us to offer their love and guidance as we transition through various life events. They use energy, scents, and feelings to create within you an awareness that they are present in hopes to get your attention and communicate with you. It is always in love. Strong ascended energies, often known as "evil" poltergeist are in fact energies that desire to be cleared and released into unconditional love.  I have been reading and clearing people, spaces, and places for decades. Energetic Alchemy cannot be traced, for this reason, all services & sessions with myself and my affiliates are acknowledged by purchaser and client as for entertainment purposes only.

Get Ready To Be Led Into Your Wiser Self Through This Love Empowered Energetic Awakening At Master Level!

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Energetic Alchemy cannot be traced, for this reason, All Services & Sessions with myself and my affiliates are acknowledged by purchaser and clients as for Entertainment Purposes Only.