Purpose of Emotions

What is the purpose of experiencing emotions or what is the purpose of experiencing humanness? How will it help us in other dimension or after our time here on earth?

Great questions! I cannot answer these questions for you with 100% purity because only those that are fully ascended know the truth. 

Each moment I believe I understand the answer to these questions, as my perspective changes, so does my interpretation of knowing evolve with many different answers. 

I believe we each are given our own answers throughout our evolution. For fun of conversation, I will give you my understanding I have acquired thus far.

The purpose of experiencing emotions is to learn how to feel them, but also to learn how to move them into different frequencies of emotions. 

As we experience a vast spectrum of emotions which create thoughts rising from within, we also experience a vast spectrum of emotions which create thoughts from all beings outside of ourselves. 

In the beginning of our evolution, when we are small children, we absorb the vast amount of energy at an uncontrolled rate. We also naturally respond at an uncontrolled rate. 

As we evolve we learn the consequences of each emotional exchange and start choosing which emotions we want to experience while seeking the energy exchanges that fill us 

unconditional love moving from our heart being the most powerful emotion

The experiences during our human incarnation, allow us opportunities at every given moment, to shift the experience and emotion with intention into an emotion (vibration) of our choice and to view our experiences with unlimited range of perspectives.

Each of us come into this experience to work out our own unique evolution of experimenting with experiences. 

Here is a personalized meditation:

Deep Listening Meditation

Take 10 Deep breaths

With each deep breathe release tension and center your thoughts and mind on the feeling of the breathe as you pull the oxygen in, feel the expanse and healing in your lungs and cells. As you release each breathe, feel the release of emotions as a wave of peace and centering emerge.

As you center in peace, ask yourself:

Why am I hear, what are my purposes for this Earth Sojourn? 

Listen and Receive. 

Journal anything that comes to you.

What is the purpose of experiencing Humanness: to experience sensations and learn how to create consciously. We are creators. What we imagine, we bring forth into physical creation.

Dawn Walker - Copyright 2025. All Rights Reserved. | [email protected]
Energetic Alchemy cannot be traced, for this reason, All Services & Sessions with myself and my affiliates are acknowledged by purchaser and clients as for Entertainment Purposes Only.