Finding Peace When A Loved One Ascends

Peace arrives when we offer ourselves patience throughout the allowance of our unique grieving process surrounding the ascension of your loved one. 

There is an abundance of emotions that wave through our mind and body as:

*memories of our loved one appear

*space of where their energy was powerfully present now feels void

*visual stimulation of seeing our loved ones fades 

*easily audible conversations are now unavailable in the way they were 

We must first allow and acknowledge the myriad of thoughts, fears, memories, and emotions as they flow in. 

Once you have some alone time, shortly after the memorial service and after the gathered souls of friends and family start trickling back to their daily routines, START JOURNALING. 

Journaling is going to allow you to build yourself a pathway to Peace. 

Journaling is one of the most powerful tools we can use as a mirror for us to look at ourselves in reflection of our relationship with our Ascended Soul from a Spiritual Perspective. Journaling also opens the opportunity for us to start piecing together a pattern of happenings where we can identify signs and symbols that our loved one is still with us, just in a different vibration. 

What to Journal? Everything and anything that comes to you. Emotions, fears, thoughts, dreams, memories, feelings, and experiences you are having since the ascension of your loved one.   

  1. How to rebuild your strength and faith and move forward in a glorious way.

As you begin on the our reflective path of journaling, take time to review and ponder your thoughts in your JOURNAL.  This time will help you look at yourself from above your emotions and thought agreements to identify areas that need fulfillment and change. 

We know all experiences and relationships come to an end to their form in this realm. 

We often miss to see the truth about energy of Soul. Energy of SOUL NEVER DIES, it only changes form and vibration. 

The relationship with OUR LOVED ONE IS ALWAYS HERE for us to experience and explore in new ways by discovering different forms of communication utilizing our inner vibrational senses of touch, imagination, knowing, hearing, seeing, feeling, smelling, tasting also known as your Clairs (clairtangency, claircognizance, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, clairalience, clairgustance, etc.)

How do we utilize these inner gifts of communication? Start asking your ascended loved one questions as you journal. Write down answers you hear from within. Keep asking yourself questions. Keep writing down your thoughts. Patterns will emerge as proof of contact. 

This will rebuild your strength and faith. 

Our loved ones use many signs, objects, and symbols to communicate. If you are struggling with tuning into your “Clair- Senses” Watch for object to start emerging in your daily experiences…your favorite song playing when you are thinking of them, coins and feathers showing up, birds singing to you and catching your attention in such a powerful way…these are a few of the endless ways our ascended souls communicate with us…the smell of their perfumes, the feel of their embrace, the smell of their home…there is no denying their presence once you start connecting with them. 

What do they want us to do once they have ascended? MOVE ON and CELEBRATE LIFE with NEW SOULS and NEW EXPERIENCES. 

They are no longer tied to emotions they are free and fully released into the flow of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. Everything is forgiven. And every act for whatever it was and is, is PURE in the highest realms of GOD. 

The only wish from our Ascended SOULS is that we to be filled with the same healing flow of freedom that UNCONDITIONAL LOVE provides. 


Per Web MD :

Journaling can reduce your anxiety. Journaling about your feelings is linked to decreased mental distress. In a study, researchers found that those with various medical conditions and anxiety who wrote online for 15 minutes three days a week over a 12-week period had increased feelings of well-being and fewer depressive symptoms after one month. Their mental well-being continued to improve during the 12 weeks of journaling.

It helps with brooding. Writing about an emotional event can help you break away from the nonstop cycle of obsessively thinking and brooding over what happened — but the timing matters. Some studies show that writing about a traumatic event immediately after it happens may actually make you feel worse.

It creates awareness. Writing down your feelings about a difficult situation can help you understand it better. The act of putting an experience into words and structure allows you to form new perceptions about events.

Dawn Walker - Copyright 2024. All Rights Reserved. | [email protected]
Energetic Alchemy cannot be traced, for this reason, All Services & Sessions with myself and my affiliates are acknowledged by purchaser and clients as for Entertainment Purposes Only.