Unlike your outside senses which communicate what they are experiencing with our brain: seeing with our eyes, hearing with our ears, tasting with our taste buds, touching with our body, & smelling with our nose - Your Intuitive Senses communicate with the Invisible Energy that everything seen and unseen emits thru your extrasensory 'energetic' senses, utilizing your imagination and body as the inlet of communication by filling you with internal and physical impressions of images, knowings, thoughts, feelings, sounds, tastes and smells.
Intuitive Senses are your personal, direct connection to All Knowing Wisdom. They communicate free of space and time, allowing you the gift of foresight, freedom, and gratitude in all moments. Together, we will discover how your intuitive senses show up in communication with you. Allowing you to acknowledge & embrace your Intuition to enhance your human experience in all moments!